Please read in detail and sign if you agree to all points stated below to recieve your free group trial session.

  • All information enclosed in this form is true, in detail and to the best of my knowledge.

  • You recognise I must inform Olivia Hodgson Personal Training with all medical conditions, medications and/or injuries that may affect the ability to safely participate in exercise and if necessary, seek clearance from a medical professional before commencing training with Olivia Hodgson Personal Training. Additionally, continue to inform Olivia Hodgson Personal Training coaches with any future medical conditions and/or injuries that I obtain after the commencement of this assessment.

  • You acknowledge that while training with Olivia Hodgson Personal Training I will be participating in physical activities which can be strenuous, challenging and may expose me to certain risks to person and property. You agree that participation in all exercises and activities prescribed by Olivia Hodgson Personal Training and employees, is entirely voluntary and at your own risk. We strongly advise you to consult with your doctor before beginning physical activity and cease any exercise that causes you physical pain or discomfort.

  • You understand that Olivia Hodgson’s Personal Training role is not as a medical health practitioner. Rather, we serve as mentors and/or coaches to guide and help your own health, fitness, and wellness goals.

  • You recognise the coaches at Olivia Hodgson Personal Training are not nutritional professionals or medical doctors and it is strongly advised that you consult with these professionals before undertaking any advice provided. You agree that any advice that you undertake is entirely voluntary and at your own risk. Furthermore, you recognise we are also not responsible for any loss you suffer.

  • You agree to recieve promotion and informative emails form Olivia Hodgson Personal Training.

  • You will not hold Olivia Hodgson Personal Training liable in any way for any injuries, damage or loss that may occur to person and/or property whilst attending a session with Olivia Hodgson Personal Training.

If any portion of this release from liability shall be deemed by a Court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, then the remainder of this releasee from liability shall remain in full force and effect and the offending provision or provision severed from here.
