This sign up form contains all information about becoming an OHPT client.

Please fill out this form to the best of your knoweldge so we can ensure we have all of your correct information & get to know you well before you join our community.

If you have any questions please contact OHPT.

We use this to add you to our close friends page.

Please select which of the following OHPT services will you be committing to.

Please note: if you are wanting to sign up for 1:1/buddy sessions please make sure you have already confirmed your session time/day before filling out this form. You can do this by contacting Olivia via the OHPT webiste.

Lets find out more about you!

Medical & injury information

Direct debit information

Payment & cancellation information


  • Payments are made a week in advance on a Friday via direct debit (Ezidebit). This means you have already paid for your week of training before you attend.

  • Debits have a 55c (if paying by bank account) or $1.38 (if paying by card) transaction fee.

  • Any failed payments result in a fee of $6.60 from the bank (this figure can slightly vary depending on which bank you are with). Your failed transaction will attempt to process again on the following Tuesday. If for any reason you cannot make a payment, please notify me ASAP so we can avoid this fee and work something out.


  • You will organise a weekly schedule with your coach for your PT/buddy sessions (so you will attend the same times/days every week).

  • Our coaches are extremely busy so if you for some reason cannot attend your booked session for any reason (including being sick, work schedule changing, going on holidays) you must give at least 1 weeks’ notice to not be charged for the session.

  • If you do not give 1 weeks’ notice (but cancel at least 24 hours before the session) & need to cancel your session your coach will try and reschedule your session in the coming weeks. If you cannot reschedule your session, you will be able to attend a group session to replace your missed session (you can always choose a group session that you PT runs).

  • Lastly if you late cancel your PT/buddy session your session will NOT be rescheduled and will be charged for the session.  Late cancel = cancelling within 24 hours of the session time.


  • All unlimited group clients have the flexibility to change their session time/day up until 45 minutes before the session commences. If you cancel within the 45-minute timeframe or remain booked in and do not show up to the session you will be classified as a late cancellation which is outlined below.

  • Group clients who have committed to 2 group sessions per week must additionally give a minimum of 45 minutes notice to cancel a group session to be eligible to rebook their session. If you DO NOT cancel your group session within the 45-minute timeframe or remain booked in and do not show up to the session, the full session fee will be charged, and you will not be able to catch up this session! To cancel a session correctly you must go onto the Mindbody app and cancel your booking. Please note both group sessions for the week must be used within the assigned week (i.e.: they can not be spread out over multiple weeks).


Due to the incredibly high amount of late cancellations & no shows we have experienced at OHPT unfortunately we have come to the decision to introduce a fee for those who continuously LATE CANCEL or NOW SHOW to their group sessions (this also includes Saturday bootcamp & Sunday yoga). I do understand that things happen & you may need to do a 1 off late cancellation, so I have been very generous and understanding when creating this fee.

  • The late cancellation fee will be based on a tally system.

  • If you late cancel 3x within the same month (from the 1st – last date of the Month) you will be charged $50.

  • There will be no exceptions to this rule as the late cancellation does only apply if you have cancelled within the 45-minutes timeframe before the session commences or if you do not show up to your booked session.

  • If you are on the waitlist for a group session and a position does become available for you, will NOT be notified but will be automatically placed in the session. It will be important if you are on a waitlist that you do check if you have been moved into the session or cancel your booking on the waitlist if you do not intend on attending that session anymore to ensure you do not get moved into the session without you knowing. If you are moved into the session off the waitlist, the late cancellation rule WILL still apply as it is your responsibility to check on your booked/waitlisted sessions.

  • This fee will be charged on the first autopay (Friday) date that occurs after you have actioned your 3rd late cancel of the month.

  • Every new month the tally’s with be erased and you will have a fresh start!


If you wish to change your membership (i.e.: different amount of group sessions per week, stop accountability coaching or no training one week because you’re going away etc) you must give a minimum of 2 full weeks’ notice (full week = Monday-Saturday) for your membership and auto-payment to be paused/changed. Advise Olivia with this notice when you need to change your membership as you will be required to fill out a cancellation form.


  • Once signing this contract, you must complete 8 consecutive weeks of training with OHPT before cancelling your membership.

  • Additionally, a requirement of a minimum of 2 full weeks’ notice must be given to cease personal training and cancel auto-payments.

  • Please advise Olivia with this notice when you decided to cease your membership as you will be required to fill out a cancellation form.

OHPT terms and conditions

By signing this form, you are agreeing to the following.

  • You  have read all information enclosed in both this form plus the OHPT information booklet.

  • You understand all policies involving class & membership cancellation of both group & 1:1 session plus acknowledge the late cancellation fee for group sessions.

  • All information enclosed in this form is true, in detail and to the best of my knowledge.

  • You recognise I must inform Olivia Hodgson Personal Training with all medical conditions, medications and/or injuries that may affect the ability to safely participate in exercise and if necessary, seek clearance from a medical professional before commencing training with Olivia Hodgson Personal Training. Additionally, continue to inform Olivia Hodgson Personal Training coaches with any future medical conditions and/or injuries that I obtain after the commencement of this assessment.

  • You acknowledge that while training with Olivia Hodgson Personal Training I will be participating in physical activities which can be strenuous, challenging and may expose me to certain risks to person and property. You agree that participation in all exercises and activities prescribed by Olivia Hodgson Personal Training and employees, is entirely voluntary and at your own risk. We strongly advise you to consult with your doctor before beginning physical activity and cease any exercise that causes you physical pain or discomfort.

  • You understand that Olivia Hodgson’s Personal Training role is not as a medical health practitioner. Rather, we serve as mentors and/or coaches to guide and help your own health, fitness, and wellness goals.

  • You recognise the coaches at Olivia Hodgson Personal Training are not nutritional professionals or medical doctors and it is strongly advised that you consult with these professionals before undertaking any advice provided. You agree that any advice that you undertake is entirely voluntary and at your own risk. Furthermore, you recognise we are also not responsible for any loss you suffer.

  • You agree to recieve promotion and informative emails form Olivia Hodgson Personal Training.

  • You will not hold Olivia Hodgson Personal Training liable in any way for any injuries, damage or loss that may occur to person and/or property whilst attending a session with Olivia Hodgson Personal Training.

If any portion of this release from liability shall be deemed by a Court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, then the remainder of this releasee from liability shall remain in full force and effect and the offending provision or provision severed from here.

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